Read the magazine here.
At the Center for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK), we take great pride in the fact that our students come from a variety of academic backgrounds. Personally, I come from gender studies and social anthropology. Considering this, it may come as no surprise that deciding on an overarching theme for Issue 23 was a
Even in 2023, the term ‘gender’ still has a certain stigma attached to it. Feminism still gets mistaken for misandry, and intersectionality is too often left out of the conversation. Identity tends to get lost in the midst of it all. In a magazine where innovation, science and technology is at the center, we decided to actively turn the spotlight towards gender, intersectionality, and identity. While these topics influence every aspect of our daily lives, one rarely gives it much thought. With this in mind, and
technology and innovation as the foundation, Teknovatøren encouraged our readers to do a deep dive into our gendered world. Issue 23 will provide you with everything from a short story rooted in identity politics, to information regarding the first female car crash dummy, and the agnotology of artificial intelligence.
If you are familiar with Teknovatøren, science and technology studies (STS), or anthropology, then you are most likely also familiar with Bruno Latour. October 9th 2022, shortly after we had begun our work with this issue of Teknovatøren, Latour passed away. “Thank You, Bruno Latour”, written by associate professor of STS Ana Delgado, can be found on page 4.I want to thank those who helped Issue 23 come to life. All of the talented writers, the amazing designers and illustrators, our
sponsors, the TIK-center, and the amazing editorial board. We at Teknovatøren hope that Issue 23 will encourage you to look at the technologies and innovations surrounding you in your own life, with a more intersectional, gendered lens.
Executive Editor
Nora Netteland