A thematic issue on energy production if the future. Eight articles that dive into the unknowns of energy, while seven articles keeps the breadth of the magazine. Published in the fall of 2011.
Debates on national policy seldom excite me. I consider my time here on earth too valuable to preoccupy myself with marginal discussions on the distribution of domestic resources. Instead I want to trouble myself with the big questions in life – the stuff that really matters in regards to prosperity and development of mankind.
One might consider the theme of this issue a matter of national policy. Such an assumption is at best oversimplified. Let there be no mistake; the future of energy production is a global concern. The aftermath that will follow the domestic choices we make will be immense, and the debates on energy transformation and consumption present implications for social development, economic growth, employment, energy output and global sustainability. Factors that are all interlinked.
New and more renewable energy is necessary in order to cut CO2 emissions and develop new technology and competency. However, the transformation from fossil to renewable energy is often debated in hindsight, and have the tendency of dwelling on what we did wrong rather than what we can do bet- ter. The arguments thus lack a constructive component.
This editorial staff would like to see that a more fertile approach is adapted, so that we can define where we are today and where our future possibilities lie. Not as a tool of criticism, but as a suggestion for future direction.
Public debates establish the norms of which many of us choose to follow, and are essential for the development of society. Unfortunately our path of development is somewhat worrisome. Nevertheless, our expressed worries can hopefully become a platform to stimulate consent, solutions and better policy. Our worries should always be used constructively to create awareness and discussion on issues we find troublesome or unjust. To be able to concern ourselves with societal problems is only human, while the expression of concern is nothing less than our duty to society. Hence we in Teknovatøren wish to publish our worries with the objective of creating hope and direction instead of criticism and hindsight.
On that note, I would like to welcome you to another issue of Teknovatøren!
This issue consists of an interesting selection articles ranging from Germany’s post-Fukushima challenge, to new technological opportunities for energy production in Norway. I am also happy to present two external articles in this issue that provide special insight on carbon capture and storage, and the importance of hydropower in developing countries.
I hope you will enjoy this issue of Teknovatøren, and I can only urge you to keep worrying and keep discussing.
Christian Guttormsen,
Executive Editor, Fall 2011
- Norwegian energy policy – Ready for renewal – Kristin Ulsrud
- A cheap, clean and convenient solution to global warming – Aage Stangeland
- German nuclear policy in the aftermath of Fukushima – Ruben Soler
- The Norwegian zeitgeist – Lene Gjengedal Hansen
- A market for renewables – funded by the consumers – Kristin Ulsrud
- Empowering people – Heidi Berg
- The road ahead – Huyen Tran Nguyen Ho
- The paradoxical nature of Norwegian energy riches – Frode Søreide
- What’s in your wrap? – Stefan Jøines & Edith F. Akerø
- Confessions of a lecturer – Göran Sundquist
- Innovation in aviation – Anders Rindal
- Your future home is passive – Live F. Dølvik
- Exploring public policy for the Norwegian defence industry – Martin Blom
- Even Simpler – Simen Enger
- Three from TIK – Hyen Tran Nguyen Ho
Board of directors
Chairman: Kristin Ulsrud
Executive Editor: Christian Guttormsen
Head of Finance: Stella Oskarsdottir
Head of Communication: Erlend Simensen
Head of Innovation: Hyen Tran Nguyen Ho
Art Director: Kristine Czynski
Layout: Vidar Bakkeli
Cover Illustraion: Vidar Bakkelig
Logo Design: Ulrikke Nordseth
Webmaster: Andreas Doppelmayr